Have you ever wondered what influence your star sign has on your romantic life?
Well, read on as we explore the common love traits for each Star Sign.
Aries are demanding in relationships; they like to keep close tabs on their partners. That’s not to say that they are not independent, just that they want daily contact. They don’t want to be seen as needy, but ultimately, they are dependent on their romantic other half’s.
Taurus can be possessive when it comes to love; they almost want to own their partners. It is not always easy to exert your own personality and freedoms when dating a Taurus. It’s just that when their feelings run deep, they don’t want to share you.
Gemini are unpredictable in life and in matters of the heart, so they will certainly keep you on your toes. If you like the chase, then a Gemini is perfect. Don’t be surprised if they change or cancel plans, it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like you – just they are flighty that way!
Cancer is not a sign that wants to analyse their feelings too closely. They are more likely to keep emotional issues close to their chest. You will be the one that needs to raise any problems. Being objective and keeping calm will help smooth the way.
Leos are committed once in a relationship, although they do like time to themselves. They are enthusiastic about plans together, but avoid getting into a situation where you ask them to choose you over some other engagement.Leos always imagine they will have no trouble finding another mate if needed!
Virgos are the ultimate planners, and relationships are no different. You can expect time together, holidays etc. to be planned with military precision. But the upside is that they make a lot of room in their lives for their partners and invest time and trouble in keeping things on track.
Libra likes to show their partner a good time, but they will expect that you look and act the part! They are loving and giving once in a relationship, but they do like to be showered with appreciation. If a union starts to get into trouble – it is best to act fast, before Libra lets things get out of hand.
Scorpio do indeed have a sting in their tail, they are possessive and show jealousy easily. If there is even a whiff of their partner showing interest in someone else, they will lash out. They are very protective, and loyal to their chosen one, and show great caring in times of need.
Sagittarius are humorous, relaxed and enjoy another’s company, but they can also be rather intense in a relationship. Their positive outlook on life makes them a great life-partner, but they can quickly spiral if things are going badly, rejection in particular is not handled well.
Capricorns are more sexual than romantic, having said that if they are invested in the relationship, they will work hard on the getting to know you part. They seem to have an in-built idea of what they want from a partnership and don’t waste time on unions they think won’t go the distance.
Aquarians will not be everyone’s idea of a good romantic partner, any passing touch and show of affection is quite likely accompanied by a healthy dose of sarcasm. Its not that they don’t love, just they are cool and undemonstrative. Once you get to know them, you will instantly understand the significance of genuine gestures.
Pisces often enter quickly into full-blown relationships, leaving the partner in a state of whirlwind disbelief. They are passionate and seductive, but can also be controlling and demanding. A Pisces relationship can leave little room for anything or anyone else.
You can visit our other pages on star sign compatibility for more detailed information. We also publish a monthly horoscope.
Posted: 10/09/2019
Related Category: Astrology