Astrology is the belief that the Stars, Planets, Sun and Moon all have an influence on world and personal events. From ancient times people have looked to the stars for signs and messages. Astrologists believe that everything is predestined by the position of the entities in the cosmos. By reading the various positions and forms of the Planets in relation to the Sun and Moon, astrologists are able to predict both major and personal events in one’s life.
Horoscopes are given by astrologists to offer guidance, advice and warnings. They can be written daily, monthly or yearly. A personal horoscope can be retrieved by how the planets were aligned at the exact time of birth.
You have the opportunity to read Psychic Light’s free monthly horoscopes which are uniquely written for us by Chrystalyte, a highly experienced and knowledgeable astrologer or indeed request a personal horoscope chart. Have a look and see what the stars have in store for you.