Dreaming about feeling lost or trapped can often turn into a nightmare; a dream you wish to wake up from!
You may feel frightened, paralysed or unable to speak.
As with all dreams, this has not occurred by accident. There is often a reason why your subconscious mind has put you in this situation.
In order to understand why your dream has occurred. Read on to see if you can relate to some of the common meanings!
Dreaming about being trapped…
Common ‘trapped’ dreams include being unable escape from a locked room, being trapped in a box or being buried alive.
What does this mean?
When you dream about being trapped, you are stuck in a situation that you cannot break free from. The frustration and distress you feel could relate to a certain scenario you are faced with in waking life. Whether it is your job, a relationship or family problems. You may be feeling like you have no choice but to continue down your current path.
This dream is telling you that you need to make a change and find a solution to the situation you are in. It is time to start thinking outside the box and tackle the problem that is holding you back and making you feel powerless.
Once you find the source of the problem, a weight will be lifted off your shoulders. Then the puzzles in your life will begin to come together.
Are You Dreaming about getting lost…
In your dream, you may feel lost or find yourself searching for something that you can’t find. Your feelings will range from anger to frustration until you find what you are looking for. However, it’s likely that you will wake up before you find any closure.
What does this mean?
This dream may have occurred due to a change that is happening in your life right now. It may be that you have moved house or started a new job. Subconsciously you are worried about not fitting in with your new colleagues, or feeling anxious about making new friends.
When you start a new adventure in life, your routines and habits will be affected. You may find it difficult to break free from your usual behaviour. These challenges you are facing are forcing you to adapt to your new life. Which you may feel you are not ready for yet.
Now is the time to decide whether this is the path you want to take. It is important to stay true to your own beliefs.
Psychic Reading at Psychic Light
When you feel powerless and unsure how to handle the situation you are in. Talking to somebody can bring light to why certain dreams are occurring. Psychic Light offer insight and advice to guide you to bring clarity to your life. Have a look at which of our experienced psychics are available today.
Keep Exploring The Symbolism of Dreams:
If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of dreams, you can find a collection of articles below explaining different dream scenarios:
- dreaming about falling/sinking
- dreaming about dying/murder
- dreaming about flying
- dreaming about being chased
- dreaming about nudity
- dreaming about teeth
- dreaming about babies
- dreaming about car troubles/faulty machinery
- dreaming about animals
- dreaming about planes, trains & boats
- dreaming about death
Posted: 19/10/2016
Related Category: Dream Interpretation