Most of us dream throughout the night, even if we do not remember the majority of them! Dreaming about faulty machinery or having car troubles is in the top 10 most common dreams we experience. Dreams about vehicle troubles can range from being stuck in your car to seeing your car being vandalised. Each vehicle-based dream has a different meaning and in order to understand why it is reoccurring, you can either get one of our online psychic reading or read on and see if you’re able to relate and repair your situation…
Car won’t move
You’re sat in your car, but you’re not moving. Your car is not starting or constantly keeps stalling and you are unable to reach your destination. Think of your current situation right now…what are you trying to accomplish but having difficulty with? There is something in your way which is preventing you from achieving your goals. These obstacles have to be solved before you are able to move forward.
Car is stuck
You’re driving and out of nowhere you are stuck in mud or a pothole. In life, you are most likely experiencing some challenges that you can not tackle alone. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
Car will not stop
You are driving and suddenly notice that your brakes are not working; you feel sudden panic as you are unable to stop the car. In life, this could mean that you do not see danger until it is too late. You are being reckless and living life on an impulse. This is your wakeup call before it’s too late. It’s time to listen to advice and slow down; remember, you have the ability to fix the brakes in the car before you crash.
Out of control
You are not in control of the car and it is spinning out of control while you are driving. In life, things are moving too fast , to the point that that you are unable to keep up. Something unexpected may have been thrown in your direction and you need to slow down and regain control before you crash.
The car is filling up with water and you can not escape. You are drowning and the car doors will not open. The sinking of the car and the fear you are feeling relates to you being depressed about a certain situation you are in. You will continue to sink until you solve your problem or ask for help.
Faulty machinery
Faulty machinery dreams usually revolve around a phone that is unable to work. You may be calling the wrong number, having trouble understanding how to use the phone or constantly losing signal. Do you rely on technology so much – you sometimes lose sense of reality? You most likely have somebody in your life that you are scared about making a connection with or worried about where you stand; why not avoid the phone and confront them face to face? You will get all your questions answered without waiting for a reply. If we did not cover your dream or you are curious to know in more depth how your dream relates to your life, our psychics are available 24/7.
Learn more about the meaning of dreams:
If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of dreams, you can find a collection of articles below explaining different dream scenarios:
- dreaming about falling/sinking
- dreaming about dying/murder
- dreaming about flying
- dreaming about being chased
- dreaming about nudity
- dreaming about teeth
- dreaming about babies
- dreaming about feeling lost/trapped
- dreaming about animals
- dreaming about planes, trains & boats
- dreaming about death
Posted: 28/09/2016
Related Category: Dream Interpretation