XIV – Temperance
If we could sum up the Temperance card in 3 words, they would be: prudent, self-disciplined and cautious, in terms of a phrase, ‘everything in moderation’. Temperance demonstrates a need for harmony and balance in life. All areas of your life, from work, family, love, money, pastimes, exercise, spirituality etc; require attention, and all must work in harmony for a happy and fulfilled life.
When the Temperance card appears in a spread, one or more areas of your life are likely out of kilter, which in turn is impacting every aspect of your being. Maybe your work/life balance is off, and you have too much responsibility, a big project or hard deadlines to meet. Or, it could be you are going through relationship difficulties, which are all-consuming. You may be caring for children or elderly parents, which is putting a strain on the time, you have available. Or, perhaps, you have financial worries. To cope with these issues, you may be using unhealthy crutches, like alcohol and food, or are you generally; not nurturing yourself very well?
Often, the Temperance card depicts an angel; pouring a liquid from one chalice to another – symbolising the ebb and flow of daily life. Equally important is that the angel usually has one foot in water and one on dry land, signifying further the importance of balance for the body and mind.
XV – The Devil
Much like the Death card, The Devil card is often; feared in Tarot; because of its name and association with black magic, but; also, because the card is misunderstood.
If this card is dealt in a spread, you likely have a feeling; of being trapped – by someone or something and it can also describe an addiction. Even thinking about the situation is difficult for you, so it just lurks in your life; like a dark cloud. Only; very occasionally, will the card mean that someone spiteful is in your life with malicious intent.
The drawing of this card should be seen as positive – as it is the wake-up call you need. You cannot go on ignoring the problem, and the issue is likely to be perceived by you as bigger and bigger the longer you leave it. It is time to acknowledge things and, more importantly, put in place constructive steps to deal with things.
Perception is everything with this card; you have likely decided that you are trapped in your situation – but is that the case? Is the problem of your own making? Have you chosen to not walk away? The Devil reminds us to take a cold hard look at ourselves, and in the light of day – what do we see?
Tarot Readings At Psychic Light
Many clients come to Psychic Light specifically for a Tarot Card reading. Working with a reader, alongside the tarot deck, can help you gain further insight and analysis when seeking guidance from the tarot spread.
If you would like to experience a Tarot reading with a practised psychic, then; why not try one of these readers from our team?
To Aelissa Tarot is the most versatile reader tool. She feels that the reasons and causes behind issues can be seen. Timescales are more accessible, and probable outcomes are clearer. As well as a client’s questions being more easily highlighted.
Joanna is a qualified reader of Tarot, having studied and gained a certificate. With this skill and combination of psychic and clairvoyant ability, she will support you in discovering that love is the most important aspect of life both for yourself and for those relationships around you. Joanna loves to work with the Tarot, as it can provide specific guidance. Especially when people have confusion in their lives; and do not know what questions to ask.
Mariah is a practised Tarot reader and has written for Psychic Light on this topic; you can find her article here
Posted: 20/10/2023
Related Category: Tarot