VIII – Strength
If you select the Strength card, you have likely been tasked with a seemingly impossible challenge – but fear not, you will be successful! Whilst the task will no doubt be difficult, you have the skills and ability needed, and in the end, things could be easier than you imagine.
This card; is suggesting you go about this and future challenges with confidence, purpose, and of course, strength – a heavy-handed approach is not needed or recommended. One of the biggest advantages you have over others; is the knowledge of when to push forward and when it is better to wait and take a step back.
In addition, the Strength card describes other areas in your life where this attribute is likely and needed. You, or someone close to you, could be recovering from surgery or illness; and this requires a lot of energy and determination. It could be about physical strength; maybe you are embarking on a fitness regime to improve your health and well-being. It can also refer to moral and emotional strength; it is important to acknowledge and follow your ethical compass and know you are living life in an honourable way.
What to take away from this card: Belief in Yourself, Dig Deep and Mind over Matter!
IX – The Hermit
If you draw the Hermit card, don’t be surprised if you have been or are entering a period of reflection and solitude. To contemplate any situation, sometimes an element of aloneness is required.
The Hermit is also a reminder that to properly consider any problem or situation, you must first gather; all the facts! When this card appears – it is often; that you need to shed light on a situation. This could be for yourself or someone close to you.
Along the lines of enlightenment, sometimes the Hermit represents getting a formal education. It could be learning a new skill at work, or taking on different tasks and responsibilities. It could be picking up an old hobby, long forgotten or trying something completely different. Or it could be continuing your education via college or night school – in person or distance learning.
There are two other meanings for the Hermit card, if you have just come through a difficult experience; then it can represent Divine consolation. Or, it can be a spiritual test of sorts; maybe to grow and; get a greater understanding, we first have to undergo something difficult and character-building.
The Hermit is often perceived as an uncomfortable card; maybe a secret, or something unpleasant, will be discovered. Use the Hermits lantern of light to look deep inside, cast aside your ego and know yourself better!
Posted: 29/06/2023
Related Category: Tarot