In astronomy, the Last Quarter Moon is seen around 1 week after the Full Moon. The Last Quarter Moon can be identified by its perfect half-circle appearance in the sky. Where the left side is illuminated by direct sunlight thus giving it the commonly used nickname ‘half-moon’. At this point, the moon is three-quarters of the way around its orbit of the earth.
Let Go – Take Action
This phase represents a challenging yet rewarding period of the lunar cycle. Where your focus should be on taking action and letting go. By now, you should have accomplished whatever you set out to during the New Moon. Or acquired new information that could alter your future path. During the Last Quarter phase, our purpose is to release and forgive. Before letting the universe take over and run its course.
The Last Quarter phase is traditionally associated with ‘letting go’. This is a transitional time, which is perfect for releasing unhelpful people from your life and removing yourself from toxic relationships. The Last Quarter Moon could be the ideal time to admit the truth and cut ties in a relationship. Eespecially if you’ve have been thinking about ending it for a while. While nobody likes breaking up a relationship, it could make you feel stronger, lighter and more alert to what’s going on in other areas of your life.
Use the Last Quarter phase of the moon to delve into the very depths of yourself during meditation. Reflect on where you have been, where you are going and why you heading there. You may also want to use time in meditation to contemplate on your current relationships and what they mean to you.
When it comes to your career, the adjustments you make now could lead you in a completely new direction. Now is the time to put any expertise and wisdom you have gained during the lunar cycle into action. Whether it is into your work or making the most of your talents and skills. Perhaps you have taken up a new hobby in your spare time after becoming tired of your job. It is very possible that this hobby will start to become more than a pastime and become the beginning of a new business venture further down the line. Working with the lunar cycles really couldn’t be simpler.
If you are looking for a little extra guidance this week, then why not get in touch with one of our gifted readers? Simply take a look at who’s available and get in touch today!
It can be wonderfully fulfilling to observe and familiarise yourself with the moon’s phase each and every night. If you feel inspired and want to tune in to one of the moon’s phases, make sure you look out for our posts on ‘Lunar Cycles’ :
Posted: 22/04/2020
Related Category: Astrology