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Introduction to the Paranormal

Last Updated: August 17th, 2023

At some point in our lives, some of us may encounter experiences that can be described as ‘Paranormal’. While some may brush these experiences aside as coincidence, the Paranormal can be a revealing way to challenge who we are and what we know.

Exploring the Paranormal: Beyond Myths and Sensationalism

This article provides an introduction to the Paranormal and why you may be inspired to question your own beliefs. ‘Paranormal’ is a very general term and can be used to describe anything from ghosts and UFO’s to extraterrestrial life; however the definition states that the Paranormal is ‘experiences that lie out of the range of normal experience or scientific explanation’.

The term has been around for many decades, and was first used in the English language around 1915-1920, made up of the prefix ‘Para’ (Greek for against) and ‘normal.’ Often, Paranormal phenomena cannot be explained or measured by science, and because of this many Paranormal experiences are often dismissed as myths or fabrications and are not taken seriously. It has not helped that over the years the Paranormal has been sensationalised by the media and therefore is widely associated with big screen images of the dark, the strange and the unexplained.

The Paranormal And Clairvoyance

Many people find the Paranormal to be a diverse and challenging topic that can be exciting, interesting and controversial to discuss. The Paranormal challenges what we know about life as well as death, and makes us question why we are here and what happens to us after we have gone.

For this reason, Clairvoyance is often described as ‘Paranormal’ as readers have the ability to experience and sense the world beyond the five physical senses (which is why they are often referred to as having a ‘sixth sense’). A Clairvoyant has the ability to gain information from the spirit world pertaining to the future of a person, object or event, and can then pass this on to the living, conscious world.

Clairvoyance At Psychic Light

‘Paranormal’ experiences during Clairvoyant readings have been reported throughout history, and such regular accounts continue to motivate research and interest into the Paranormal. The Paranormal is an exciting topic to explore and we will be delving a little deeper into it next week. In the meantime, if you feel like you are keen to explore the Paranormal more and are interested in having a Clairvoyant reading with one of our Psychics, we have a number of talented and experienced readers available to speak to right now!

Posted: 12/11/2012

Related Category: Spirituality

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