What does clairaudience mean?
The gift of Clairaudience is typically defined as ‘clear audio’ or ‘clear hearing’. It is one of the most natural psychic abilities there is. As spirits communicate telepathically, clairaudience is one of the four main ways to receive information from the spiritual realm. Clairaudience quite literally relates to what somebody can hear using their extra-sensory ability. For many people, this isn’t an external noise but rather an inner voice of their own. Which ‘speaks’ to them, providing wisdom and knowledge. Clairaudient skill is often associated with being psychic, however not all psychic readers are clairaudient.
How does it work?
People with this particular psychic ability usually hear clairaudient messages with their inner ear, coming from deep inside their heads. These messages could be in the form of a voice or it may also be an evocative sound, ringing noise or music in their ears. Psychics are able to identify and distinguish the different messages. Their own inner voices, versus the messages they are receiving from Spirits or their Higher Self. Clairaudience can be an external experience too, although this is not as common. When this happens, it may be because a spirit is sending out an urgent message, such as “watch out!”
What is clairaudience used for?
Psychic readers often use clairaudience to connect with angels and spirit guides. As well as loved ones who have passed over to the other side. Many people are born clairaudient, however it is a skill which can be developed and enhanced over time…
How to develop clairaudient abilities
Do you believe that you may be gifted with clairaudience? If so, you may wish to work to develop your abilities. The key to doing this is to work on enhancing your hearing and listening skills. Clairaudience comes more naturally when you are in a relaxed and tranquil state. So, you may want to research different listening exercises, to incorporate into your meditation routine.
Which of Psychic Light’s readers are clairaudient?
Many of Psychic Light’s readers are also clairaudient, just some of which include; Julie, Aelissa, Angel and Ellie.
Why should I get in touch with a clairaudient reader?
You may want to contact a clairaudient reader to get in touch with your spirit guides and angels. Or perhaps to just to gain a sense of direction in your life. A clairaudient can also pass on messages from lost loved ones who may be trying to contact you. No matter what your concern is, Psychic Light are here to advise you.
Our readers are highly gifted, all with different skills and abilities, they each bring a wealth of spiritual guidance. Their expertise enables them to provide sincere readings that come straight from the heart. Our readers are available 24 hours a day, so take a look who’s available and get in touch today!
Posted: 11/06/2020
Related Category: Psychic Abilities