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How to have your best year yet!

Last Updated: August 17th, 2023

New Year

Did you set New Year resolutions? If so, how are they going so far – are you still committed, or is your will-power already wavering? Resolutions are something that many of us make each year, but they are notoriously hard to stick too!

January can often bring the feeling that we have our whole future ahead of us. Which makes it the perfect time to make a fresh start, turn over a new leaf and change the things in our lives which aren’t making us happy.

Most Popular New Year Resolutions

Lose Weight

Millions of us use the New Year to kick start a diet. While experts say that nearly 80% of us will fail to stick to this by the time February comes around. With focus and determination there is no reason why you can’t achieve your goal.

With studies showing that a quarter of Brits are clinically obese, as are one in four of our children. It is a great time to get the whole family involved in eating healthily, and leading a more active lifestyle. Don’t try too much too soon! Support each other and you will make steady progress, helping you to reach your end goal.

Quit Smoking

If you have resolved to stamp out your smoking habit this year then you’ve chosen a great time. Quitting smoking has never been easier! With hundreds of groups set up all around the country. As well as helplines and support services. There is no reason why you should feel like you have to quit smoking by yourself.

Talk to your doctor and get as many friends and family on board as you can. A great support system will double your chances of sticking to your resolution. Quitting smoking will not only improve your health. But will save you money and protect your loved ones from harmful second-hand smoke.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Quitting drinking has similar benefits to that of giving up smoking, and can be equally as tough. Giving up alcohol for a month may be easier than you think. Encouraging you to cut down or even cut alcohol out of your life for good once the months up.

Find Love

How many of us have moaned about there being no decent men/women out there but haven’t actually put ourselves out there and given dating a real go! The start of the New Year seems like the perfect time to start a new relationship but it is much harder to seek out the perfect partner sat at home watching the television!

Try new things and get involved in activities in your local area. While a new project will add a different dimension to your life, you’re also making opportunities to meet new people, some of whom could be potential dates! If you don’t have much free time on your hands, why not give online dating a try? It’s one of the most popular ways to meet someone now and could prove a success!

Get a New Job

It may be that the New Year signifies the start of a new career path for you. If you’re unsure about whether to stay in your current position then ask yourself the important questions. Am I valued in my job? How is my company doing? What is my boss like? And more importantly do I enjoy my job? The grass is often not greener on the other side, so think about your decision carefully before you quit your job.

Travel More

Travelling can be a great way to kick start New Year resolutions while experiencing different cultures. If you want to start doing more for others this year, then take a trip to a third world country or do some volunteer work abroad. Your work can directly impact on communities around the world, and there are many companies who specialise in volunteer holidays.

If you are resolving to spend more time with friends and family this year then why not book a trip for everyone to spend some quality time together? Cruises and adventure holidays are great and often planned for you, taking all the stress out of the holiday, leaving you to focus on making memories together.

Travelling can be a great way to get back to ‘you’ so if you are looking to ditch the stress and spend some time taking care of yourself then look into a spa getaway or do some solo travelling. You may come back a refreshed person with a new sense of confidence and a fresh glow.

How to Achieve Your Resolutions

Set Goals

Setting goals will help you stick to your target, and keep you focused on what you are trying to achieve. For example, if you want to bring the family closer together then set aside a specific time to spend with them each week. Make sure you note the progress you are making along the way to keep you motivated and you’ll find it a whole lot easier to reach your final goal!

Map out a timescale

When making resolutions or attempting to change habits, we often expect too much of ourselves and can end up being disappointed. Make sure that you set yourself a realistic timeframe to achieve whatever it is you want to do. Don’t take on too much at once, you won’t be able to change things overnight!

Plan your finances

Many families will struggle financially over the next year, however this doesn’t have to rule your life if you don’t let it. Planning and recording all your finances can take a lot of the stress out of life, and will allow you to see exactly how much you have to spend each month. You may even find that you identify things you can cut back on, saving you valuable pennies

Learn something new as a family

As a family you are likely to have similar interests and hobbies, and taking up something new together can bring you closer together and build a stronger relationship with each other. You may find that a new sport or activity takes the stress of family life away and allows you to create some valuable memories.

Most of all remember to have fun together!

Many families get stuck in the same routines of sitting at home watching television or doing their own separate things at home, and these things can affect the amount you communicate. Try doing something that you can all enjoy, whether you are stuck indoors or going out – you may find you start getting on a lot better than before!

What to do when you hit set-backs

Keep an open mind

With careful planning and an open mind, you can succeed in achieving your best year yet. Your mind is extremely powerful which means your thoughts can ultimately decide whether you are starting the day on a positive or negative. Even though changing these negative thoughts into positive ones takes time and a fair bit of practice, over time it becomes second nature. The key to having an open mind, is taking baby steps. Aim to make small daily improvements that will create long term success.


Take five minutes a day to meditate. This will help de-clutter your mind and help you feel calm regardless of what is going on in your life. A tip is to give yourself at least 45 minutes every weekend to relax and de-stress. During this time, allow yourself to plan how you would like the following week to go. By planning, you have given yourself time to achieve these goals and you ultimately have the power to make these ideas happen.


When certain scenarios occur in your life and you feel overwhelmed, find an activity that allows you to escape from the situation you are in. This could be a sporting activity, the gym, listening to music or reading a book. By having the ability to switch off and focus on something else, you are able to recharge your mind and approach the matter when your mind is ready.


To achieve your best year yet, you may have made a list of all the goals you wish to achieve. Once you have accomplished an item on your list, tick it off. This way you are able to see how far you have come. If there are certain items on your list that have not happened yet, or did not go as planned, do not let this get you down. Instead, look back at your list and see what you have conquered and be proud of your success.

Seek Help

Have you ever thought about whether a psychic reading could assist you in achieving your goals this year?

Well, very often people attack the New Year with many things they want to change about their lives or habits. The very nature of trying to make so many changes, or tackle so many areas leaves people quickly unenthused and feeling overwhelmed and so one by one the goals fall by the way side.

Talking to a Psychic Reader

Talking to a Psychic Reader can really allow you to hone in on the issues that most caused you upset in previous years. Perhaps staying in a stale relationship is zapping you of energy and zest for life and as such you are comfort eating… Maybe feeling unexcited about your job, has caused you to hibernate a bit in the winter watching too much TV and doing no exercise.

Talking with an objective person rather than family and friends can sometimes help really unravel a problem. Often issues are interconnected, so if you resolve to concentrate on one area of your life, many other areas will naturally fix themselves as time goes on.


A psychic reading very often provides clarity – a sort of light bulb moment, on what the real problem is. It’s not always easy to face the issues that are going on in our lives, sometimes we skirt around them by thinking if I just fix this and then I sort that everything will be better again, but in reality, nothing will be better unless you address the deep-seated issue, the real problem underneath it all.

Sometimes, with New Year resolutions it is just a case of trying to address too many things in a vague manner. Once you have spoken to the psychic and narrowed down the most important goals, then it is a case of breaking down that goal into many small things that you can start to achieve on a daily basis. Gradually small achievements will build to real results and this will encourage you to stay on track.

But don’t forget Psychic Light is always here and you can check back with the reader at any time, if you feel yourself waning in enthusiasm, or need to re-focus on your goal and the reasons why you set yourself that task in particular – then give us a call!

Happy New Year, and good luck with any resolutions you set yourself…

Posted: 21/01/2019

Related Category: Lifestyle

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