Have you heard the word Lagom? A few years ago, some Scandinavian ways of living – Hygge and Lykke were popularised around the globe. Then followed Lagom, its principles did not seem appealing then. So, it didn’t gather the same sort of traction. However, recent times are making us re-think things, and now may be the perfect time to approach things a little more Lagom.
Lagom loosely translates as ‘not too little, not too much – just right’.
During the various lockdowns, many of us lived a slowed down lifestyle. We began to appreciate the simpler things in life and had a more in the moment attitude.
Now that life is returning to a more normal footing many are finding that the rituals they relied on are being forgotten once more as work, school and socialising takeover.
As I write this article, the press is going all out to highlight the many woes we are facing: Covid to HGV driver shortages, to energy costs rising, fuel shortages, supply chain problems and more. Of course, to some extent, we need this information, but in other ways, it just creates panic and more feelings of anxiety and unsettlement.
The last two Christmases have not turned out as we would have liked and planned. But the press and shops whipping us into a frenzy, warning about turkey and presents shortages – often feels like a marketing ploy to get us to buy seasonal things earlier and earlier. Often hoping that we will buy them, consume them and need to buy again.
Hence why many people are calling for a more measured response. Rather than panic buying and ensuring the excess of the season continues. Folk are thinking more of the sentiments of Christmas and what the season means. So, with this change in tide Lagom seems to fit.
Simple Ways to Be More Lagom:
This concept is not about deprivation but also is not about being wasteful. So, planning your meals, making a food shopping list, utilising what you already have in your cupboards and freezer is a great approach in terms of eating.
Having too much stuff often leads to unhappiness. Maybe now is a time to declutter, giving you more room to breathe and feel happy in your space at home. You could donate some of your unwanted items, bringing others what they need.
Along the lines of decluttering, you could review your wardrobe and reduce it down to a more ‘capsule’ approach. Keeping your favourite and most worn items can reduce stress on a day-to-day basis when selecting an outfit. Few lives are made better by having six, eight or ten of everything.
There are principles that you can adopt in your life:
Think sustainability in everything that you do and purchase.
Adapt an everything in moderation and balanced approach to life.
Prioritise breaks, sleep, exercise, healthy eating and family time.
Invest in yourself, your wellbeing, fulfilment and happiness.
Balance spending and saving.
Practise gratitude.
Posted: 09/11/2021
Related Category: Lifestyle