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The Law of Attraction: Improving Your Wellbeing

Last Updated: August 17th, 2023

Woman doing yoga

For many of us, stress, work, unexpected circumstances and personal troubles can all have a negative effect on our wellbeing.

By focusing energy on the Law of Attraction, many people find that they become less stressed, more optimistic and have a more positive outlook on life.

While it can be easier said than done to look for the good in every situation you face, with practice, it will become second nature in time. Read on for more guidance…

Work/life balance

Begin by taking a good look at your daily routine. If you are spending too much time in the office or in front of the TV, you are leaving no time to focus on positivity and may become stuck in a rut. Start by making regular investments into aspects of your life that will make you happy in the long run i.e. socialising, going to the gym, dating and so on.

By living a more balanced life and embracing positive changes, you may find that more positive things start coming your way.

Taking time for yourself

“There aren’t enough hours in the day!” Before you know it, the days, weeks and years pass by. By setting time aside for yourself, you can start focusing on your happiness and wellbeing, rather than getting caught up in a dangerous routine where you, your happiness and your goals come last.

Start by visualising things you would like to do in your life, or focus on past experiences where you were happy. Think back to a time in your life when you were content and imagine you are there right now. Instead of asking yourself “why am I not this happy now?” ask yourself “how can I get to this place again?” Turn your negative questions into positive ones and results will follow.


The optimum state of being according to the Law of Attraction is one where you are relaxed, have a positive view of your future and are content with your current reality.

This is where meditation can help you to relax and connect with your higher self.

Along with regular meditation, keep a notebook with you at all times. When something inspires you, write it down. Keep track of anything that makes you happy or brings a smile to your face. Combining this with meditation will help you attract a happy state of well-being.

Changing your ways

When you feel anything other than positive, over time you will be able to practice these emotions and escape any opposing thoughts you once welcomed.

Focus your thoughts on everything that is going right at this moment in time and you will attract more positivity into your life. If you continue to focus on perceived negatives, you will spend your time dwelling and focusing on the things that are going wrong in your life and you could end up attracting more negative situations.

Bring happiness into your life and embrace positive changes today. If you are unsure of where the problems lie in your life or need to seek balance, contact Psychic Light for further insight.

Learn more about the Law of Attraction

Posted: 04/05/2017

Related Category: Lifestyle

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