Believe it or not, we’re halfway through 2017!
If you’re feeling as though you haven’t made the positive changes you hoped to this year, don’t worry – there is still plenty of time to turn 2017 into YOUR year!
Many people wait until the start of a New Year to make a change, but why wait when you can turn this year around and end it on a high rather than with a lot of “what ifs”. Read on to find out how…
Focus on the present
We’re all guilty of saying “in the future I want…” However, if you continue to wish your life away, rather than taking time to pursue your goals, you may never reach them. Start by writing a list of what you wish to achieve. This could be anything from cleaning the house to gaining a promotion at work. Once you have completed your list of goals, start setting achievable actions and tick off each one as you go along.
Take care of yourself
When you focus on achieving your goals, remember to put yourself and your body first. Tackling these changes won’t happen if you run out of fuel! A healthy diet and regular exercise will help keep your mind focused to tackle daily challenges. If you skip meals or feast on fatty foods, you will be more likely to give up and sit in front of the TV instead of being productive.
What makes you happy?
When you smile, you release endorphins which enhance your mood! Write down three things that make you genuinely happy. This could be going for a run, spending time with friends and family or looking through old photos. Once you start paying attention, you may notice some patterns. For example; if you are too busy working to spend time with the people you care about, you may find that your mood is lower than when you have time to socialise.
Happiness comes from within, and through your own actions. If you don’t know where to start, why not read our guide to the Law of Attraction and how it can assist in guiding you through different situations you may face.
Free yourself from negativity
If you are surrounded by people that have a negative impact on your life, their behaviour will become a part of yours. Toxic people can bring out the worst in you and prevent you from reaching your full potential. This then stops you from reaching your goals. By cutting the bad from your life, you will be able to breathe easier and have a clearer mind to focus on you and your goals.
If you are unsure of where to start to achieve this happiness, take it a day at a time and start to enjoy the little things in life. Many of Psychic Light’s readers specialise in guiding people in the right direction while bringing light to the areas that are holding you back. Get in touch with a reader today and start making 2017 a year to remember!
Posted: 14/06/2017
Related Category: Lifestyle