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The month of May – Beltane – Fire Festival

Last Updated: November 17th, 2021

The month of May

The month of May: Today marks day 39 of lock-down in the UK. With no end in sight and a change in how we live for the near future, no doubt we could all do with a lift and Beltane today on the 1st May provides just that. Traditionally an ancient Fire Festival, celebrating creativity, fertility, growth and new beginnings.

The Month of May

It is unlikely there will be much dancing around the Maypole this year, but there are still ways that we can embrace the month of May and enjoy the two bank holidays.


Traditionally people placed ‘wishes’ into the Maypole ribbons, where they were left for the coming year to come to fruition. Why not try making your own wishing ribbon? Take three strands of ribbon or string, plait them together, and entwine any written wishes on little bits of paper.


In celebration of the season we also take a look at Goddesses. Starting with Goddess Maia. Very fitting for the current circumstances Maia was often depicted as a nurse and mother – essentially a protector of womenfolk.

Goddess Maia had seven sister siblings, legend says that Zeus changed them into birds, that produced the Pleiades constellation! Maia would often be presented flowers alongside the Goddess of Flowers (Flora) during the Floralia celebrations – to rejoice in the season of spring.

Spring Season

You can invoke the spirit of these spring Goddesses by spending time in your garden or even cultivating a window box and of course watering and tending to your plants. Why not also try walking barefoot on the grass, make daisy chains with your children, cut flowers to bring inside, or even wear them in your hair.

Fairy Folk

You could also try leaving offerings for the animal kingdom, whether it is some seed or berries for the birds. Or even a shiny coin, some honey, or crystals – that may very well encourage fairy folk and nature spirits to visit your garden!

Whilst social distancing is no doubt changing the way we celebrate occasions, this is a great time to revel in the women in your life – praise their love, strength and friendship. Light a candle as the sun goes down, and embrace and honour the universal energy.

Posted: 01/05/2020

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