The overriding sentiment of Numerology – Number Twenty-Two – is perfection; this number is connected to planet Neptune and astrological sign Pisces. Outwardly, it would appear that those that calculate as 22s can do anything they put their mind too. However, they should be on their guard – as this brilliance can lead them to complacency, laziness or taking the cheats/easy way out.
Heart Number
Twenty-twos may not be the best judge of character; occasionally, they may misjudge a personality – which can lead to conflict, especially of the romantic variety.
Those with this master number have big hearts – they will often be called upon for their wise counsel; by family members, friends and even colleagues. They are wise even at a young age; and offer advice with compassion and empathy, which garners them; many friends.
Partners can occasionally be jealous of the attention they attract, as folk; are drawn to 22’s enigmatic personality. Jealousy mainly happens when the partner is unsure where they stand; or if they are feeling taken for granted.
Expression Number
Numerology twenty-two can be idealistic; however, by and large, they make a success of their lives. In terms of work, they are talented and usually handsomely paid for what they do.
Remuneration may not always sit well with a number Twenty-Two, as at heart, they are humanitarians; with a strong drive to help others. They want their legacy to have made a difference in the world, although many find it harder to achieve in real life.
Twenty-twos may sense that other people are more deserving, but; they need to harness their potential, and really see things through to fruition, and not give up when the going gets tough!
Personality Number
As a master number 22, they are gifted with talent, capability, charisma and benevolence – a lucky number indeed. Given the right circumstances, this number will set the world alight and will help those much less fortunate along the journey.
Numerology Catch-Up
If you want to read our introduction to Numerology (including how to calculate your number) and want to review the numbers one to nine and Master Number Eleven, then please visit our blog: www.psychiclight.com/category/numerology/
Don’t forget there is no number ten, but there is Master Number 11, and today we round out the series with Master Number 22.
Posted: 23/12/2022
Related Category: Numerology