The overriding sentiment and drive for a numerology Number Five is a Fear of Missing Out!
Numerologically speaking; those that calculate as a number five, are likely to love travel; or even be connected to travel; perhaps in their jobs.
Five is associated with two astrological signs: Gemini and Virgo. The Virgo trait means that fives need plenty of stimulation and variety in their day-to-day lives. Travel will provide a frequent ‘change of scene’, which is essential to their wellbeing.
Number Five’s, tend to flit from one thing to the next: relationships, hobbies, careers, friends (another Gemini trait!). Eventually, they learn this is not the key to happiness; and stop endless quests; to find something perfect or new!
Heart Number
Finding a kindred spirit feels essential to a number five. They really will want to match; with someone who has similar experiences and goals in life. Intellect and a thirst for knowledge will be non-negatable in their partners.
Life partners of a number five will have to accept change as part and parcel of life. They will also need to want and like to travel and explore – going to different locations each time.
It can take a five a long time to find the right person to settle down with; it’s not that they are not meeting the right person, but more that they move on – imagining that the grass is greener and their soul mate is just around the corner!
Expression Number
A Five is charming, chatty, fun and great to be with, so they have no trouble attracting friends and finding things to do and explore. Zodiac traits come through again, with 5’s love for a bit of gossip! However, much of their talk is fascinating as they are very well-read and have a great interest in the world.
Personality Number
One concern for a number five is their endless quest to find the next thing. Five’s can lose themselves in tomorrow rather than embracing and enjoying today!
If a five is bored and no event, change or holiday is on the horizon – they are not above cooking up a bit of drama to keep things interesting.
Please visit our blog to refer back to all of the Numerology articles so far: www.psychiclight.com/category/numerology/
Posted: 24/06/2022
Related Category: Numerology