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The High Priestess & The Empress: Explore Tarot with Us!

Last Updated: July 1st, 2024

the high priestess

II – The High Priestess

The High Priestess card is significant, representing your psychic ability, intuition and instincts!

Many of us experience feelings, have dreams, or have gut reactions – but not everyone heeds what these messages may be trying to tell us. The High Priestess card appearing suggests that you must learn to trust your hunches and insights.

The High Priestess is not a ‘feminine’ card; it is depicting an archetype – someone who is powerful and able to both dispense wisdom, receive it and, more importantly, act upon it.

This card can also show up when you are embarking on a period of learning, it can be related to spiritual development or some other form of improving yourself.

Of course, in a spread, there is also the possibility that the card relates to someone you are close to. Perhaps you have a person in your family or circle of friends; that you always go to for advice and counsel. Hopefully, you have seen evidence over time that this person has your best interests at heart; and that the support they provide you with is discerning and impartial.

The High Priestess would advocate that you let in the black and white and all of the grey areas in between! It is easy to embrace the good thoughts, but; much harder to sit with and act on those that are less appealing.

III – The Empress

The Empress card is often associated with fertility, not just in terms relating to pregnancy and children, but to many creative endeavours and indeed, abundance in general.

It can also show up regarding nurturing, which could be people but could also be in nature.

The Empress is a very positive card and often signifies the beginning of a new idea, sometimes it even relates to moving home – whatever the circumstances, the outcome is usually favourable.

Usually, when this card appears, it means you are entering a period of fruition and happiness; you will embark on endeavours that make you feel safe and content (often home & family).

Sometimes, The Empress card will appear when you have concerns about a woman in your life. Usually, these are strong figures – your mum, sister, aunt, or close friend. Perhaps their welfare or health is in question. But it could also be a cautionary tale for you – are you offering yourself the same ‘mothering’ and self-care you would provide others?

If you have been feeling a bit lost; then take this card as a sign to get into nature and cultivate something. If you have had an idea circulating for a while, then take action now; before your enthusiasm wanes.

Tarot Readings At Psychic Light

Many clients come to Psychic Light specifically for a Tarot Card reading. Working with a reader, alongside the tarot deck, can help you gain further insight and analysis when seeking guidance from the tarot spread.

If you would like to experience a Tarot reading with a practised psychic, then; why not try one of these readers from our team? Then follow along each month as we explore the Major Arcana in more detail:

Aelissa – PIN: 4444

To Aelissa Tarot is the most versatile reader tool. She feels that the reasons and causes behind issues can be seen. Timescales are more accessible, and probable outcomes are clearer. As well as a client’s questions being more easily highlighted.

Joanna – PIN: 4567

Joanna is a qualified reader of Tarot, having studied and gained a certificate. With this skill and combination of psychic and clairvoyant ability, she will support you in discovering that love is the most important aspect of life both for yourself and for those relationships around you. Joanna loves to work with the Tarot, as it can provide specific guidance. Especially when people have confusion in their lives; and do not know what questions to ask.

Mariah – PIN: 1881

Mariah is a practised Tarot reader and has written for Psychic Light on this topic; you can find her article here.

Posted: 24/03/2023

Related Category: Tarot

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