When discussing Swords, we are interpreting ‘words’ and ‘thoughts’ – both the positive and negative, truth and lies, logical and rational. Remember, Swords are double-edged! They govern communication in all its forms, as well as intellect, ideas, worries, and concerns. Swords correspond to the element of ‘Air’ and are associated with individuals born under the zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
The Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords symbolises a new beginning, whether it is the inception of a fresh idea or project, or the early stages of a new relationship. Regardless of the scenario, it will consume your thoughts entirely and may seem to hold power over you. It could feel like the missing piece you have long been seeking. Significant changes are likely on the horizon, appearing to be part of your destiny.
The arrival of this card also indicates that decisions need to be made. This is not the time to let emotions rule; carefully consider your options, make a decision, and commit to it.
You might find yourself immersed in a phase where your emotions are intense and fluctuating rapidly between positive and negative. Stay resilient as transformations are approaching for you.
Two of Swords
Most people won’t be delighted by the Two of Swords because it signifies being stuck in a challenging situation, partly due to one’s own actions – stemming from an unwillingness to confront the reality around them.
You are likely paralysed by fear, avoiding facing the situation or exploring potential solutions, resulting in a state of inaction – which can be more detrimental in the long term. This behaviour consumes significant emotional energy just to maintain the status quo.
Allow the Two of Swords to offer a brief break from your troubles; take a moment to breathe and regroup. It’s time to muster your inner strength and resources and address the issue at hand. You may have been magnifying the problem in your mind beyond its actual scope, realising deep down that you cannot find peace until matters are resolved.
Three of Swords
Getting the Three of Swords in a spread is not an easy card. It indicates that you are likely facing real worries, perhaps experiencing disappointment, general difficulties, and maybe even a separation. There is a possibility that deception and disloyalty are involved.
You might immediately start thinking about a relationship breakdown, a love triangle, or being betrayed by a friend/lover – all of which could be possible scenarios. This card often depicts eternal triangles. However, it could also signify a medical concern; for instance, waiting for test results or requiring an operation or ongoing treatment.
What we can say is that often the most torment occurs in our minds when we blow problems out of proportion. Perhaps there’s a small part of you that enjoys the drama or sympathy you receive?
Now is the time to embrace Sword’s communication energy. It’s crucial to have candid and honest conversations with those you trust and even seek help from professionals if necessary. Firstly, to express your feelings but more importantly to find a way forward that leads to the best possible outcome.
Four of Swords
It is time to take a rest. You need to recuperate as you are physically, mentally, and emotionally spent. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Swords govern communication, thoughts, worries, and often decisions. However, now it is time to put down the Swords. The Four of Swords is telling you to take a period of recovery and reflection. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries every now and then; this does not make us weak but rather prepares us for the next phase of effort.
It’s possible that this card is appearing at a time when you are in a real battle with someone, perhaps even escalating into a legal dispute. Take a step back, gain a wider view, and assess if this course of action truly serves your best interests.
Five of Swords
You might have gathered so far that the Swords cards are not easy to accept. In the case of the Five card, it signifies a time to acknowledge defeat. You may have reached the conclusion of something, such as a project, job, business, or relationship – and not everything unfolded as planned or desired. This doesn’t mean you haven’t gained anything; hopefully, the Five of Swords can serve as a catalyst for determining your next steps. Perhaps you will approach situations differently in the future?
This card sometimes reveals an uncomfortable truth that we bear some responsibility for outcomes. Did you overstep boundaries? Did you lose your composure and say things you regret? Did you resort to deceitful tactics to prevail over others? These actions may have seemed justifiable at the time but now feel like empty victories. It’s essential to recognise that in some people’s eyes, your image may have been tarnished! Nonetheless, remember that we are all human beings and this entire experience will be valuable if you learn important lessons about yourself and apply them in future endeavours.
Six of Swords
The Six of Swords suggests that you have been in choppy waters for some time, being battered around. However, calmer waters are on the horizon. It is quite likely that you are struggling to imagine that your situation will improve, as you have been feeling hemmed in by your circumstances for a long time. In fact, even as things improve, it is possible that the memory of these difficult times will stay with you for some time, and you may be fearful of them happening again. If you get stuck in this cycle, the card encourages you to reach out and discuss your fears with someone you trust. Often just saying out loud what is worrying you most can make them seem smaller and more manageable. Allow logic to put some things into perspective but give yourself some grace; these things take time.
A change of scenery can be as good as a rest if finances and work/family schedules allow – a holiday could be just what you need. Holidays may seem expensive and frivolous and not at the top of your list after a difficult period, but don’t dismiss the idea outright. They can provide rejuvenation, allowing you to come back to your day-to-day life with new zest and enthusiasm.
Seven of Swords
Your first instinct in any given scenario should be to be truthful. However, there are times in life when we learn that being economical with the truth may be better for everyone. The Seven of Swords appearing in a spread suggests that now is one of those times.
This card should not be seen as permission to be dishonest or underhanded. Instead, it indicates that you should assess the situation, keep matters close to your chest, and consider whether sharing all information is truly beneficial for you and others involved. Perhaps a more gradual approach would be more appropriate?
The Seven of Swords can also act as a warning sign. It could indicate that someone in your life is being deceitful, attempting trickery, or seeking to obtain information from you. Regardless of the circumstances, stay vigilant against any attempts at misdirection.
Posted: 13/09/2024
Related Category: Tarot