Has the recent lockdown brought you and your partner closer together, or has it highlighted some frayed edges, causing a rocky relationship?
With many of us now working from home, whilst juggling home-schooling duties. Worrying and caring for loved ones and taking part in the battle that has become food shopping. It is no wonder that we are all feeling a little bit frazzled.
Unfortunately, it is often those that we are closest too, that we take for granted and take out our frustrations on. If your relationship was already on any kind of rocky ground, it is unlikely this new way of living will have helped.
So, we take a look at how to ensure your rocky relationship survives and thrives in these new times…
It is easy to assume that how you are feeling, is also how your partner is feeling. But that may not be the case. For example, one of you may like to watch the news, so that you are informed. But it may make another person depressed and anxious. We all process situations of stress differently – and that is okay. It is better to check and listen, rather than to presume.
The above point reinforces the need to keep talking. Tensions run high, and tempers fray – it is all too easy for too many conversations to take place at a pace with raised voices. It’s important to try and carve out time to talk properly so that both can appreciate how the other is coping, and where they need more support. Don’t be afraid to vocalise how you are feeling.
Take Breaks
In these heightened circumstances, it is easy to just keep going from the moment you get up, to the moment you go to bed. Working from home, schooling, feeding everyone, domestic chores etc eat into the time. Try to get some fresh air, and take some exercise – which are great ways of carving out some ‘me time’, as well as releasing stress. Equally having a wind-down with a glass of wine, watching some TV, listening to some music, or a relaxing bath etc – are all great ideas that you shouldn’t feel guilty about indulging in.
Routine & Tasks
It is really easy to get out of routines fast under these new circumstances. But maintaining a bedtime, rising time, meal times, time for school work, time for relaxing etc – will help everyone in the family feel less stressed. Equally don’t be afraid to assign everyone chores, so that the household runs efficiently, without everything falling to one person! Nothing kills the romance, like feeling you are the only one pulling your weight in the relationship…
It is not always easy in times of stress to remember to feel grateful. But thanking people for the small tasks they have done, whether it was a hug offered or taking out the recycling, lets everyone feel valued. Relationships thrive when both people feel loved and appreciated. Treat your loved one with kindness and it will be returned in abundance.
Posted: 06/05/2020
Related Category: Love